When is Congress in session? House 2024 Calendar Senate 2024 Calendar

What’s Ahead: This Week

Hearings and Markups – No notable hearings this week. Congress is not in session.

Notable Policy Events –
  • Wednesday, September 4
  • Thursday, September 5
    • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “From Policy to Practice: Cultivating Trust in America’s Health System.” Free, Virtual. Additional Information
    • Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), “September Public Meeting.” Free, Virtual. Additional Information
  • Thursday, September 5 to Friday, September 6
    • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, “The Application of Digital Health Technology to the Management of Type 2 Diabetes.” Free, Virtual.  Additional Information

Weekly Wrap-Up: Notable Health Care Developments from Last Week

Medicare & Medicaid –

  • On August 27, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report finding that Utah generally completed Medicaid eligibility actions during the unwinding period in accordance with federal and state requirements. Report Report in Brief
  • On August 28, CMS announced that Colorado requested to amend its Expanding the Substance Use Disorder Continuum of Care section 1115 demonstration to provide housing and nutrition services for specific eligible populations. Comments are due September 27, 2024. Pending Application Submit Comments
  • On August 29, CMS announced that Tennessee requested to amend its TennCare III Medicaid section 1115 demonstration, which would extend TennCare coverage to additional working individuals with disabilities. Comments are due September 28, 2024. Pending Application Submit Comments
  • Also on August 29, CMS published an informational bulletin to provide guidance to states on their obligation to come into compliance with federal regulations on timely processing of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility renewals. Informational Bulletin
  • Also on August 29, HHS OIG issued a report finding that South Carolina did not always comply with federal Medicaid requirements for invoicing manufacturers for rebates for physician-administered drugs dispensed to managed care organization (MCO) enrollees. Full Report Report in Brief
  • On August 30, CMS released the latest enrollment figures for Medicare and Medicaid. As of May 2024, 33,415,981 people are enrolled in Medicare fee-for-service, 33,998,701 are enrolled in Medicare Advantage or other health plans, and 80,855,947 are enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP. Medicare Enrollment Data Medicaid Enrollment Data
  • Also on August 30, HHS published an issue brief on nursing home closures during the pandemic. Issue Brief
  • Also on August 30, HHS published an issue brief on the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences in COVID-19 infection and mortality rates at both the nursing home resident and nursing home facility levels. Issue Brief

Marketplaces – On August 26, CMS awarded $100 million to 44 Navigator grantees in states using HealthCare.gov. Navigators Press Release

Health IT, Privacy, & Digital Health –

  • On August 27, the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) released a data brief about how individuals with cancer are accessing their online medical records. Data Brief
  • On August 29, Sen. Warner (D-VA) released a statement urging the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to establish a meaningful special registration process for patients to access prescriptions through telemedicine. Statement
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Policy – 
  • On August 26, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced over $65 million in grant awards and notices of funding opportunity (NOFO) to address mental health and substance use disorders. Press Release
  • On August 28, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents. Advisory Opinion Article Press Release
  • Also on August 28, the Biden Administration listed its prior actions to address the overdose epidemic. Press Release
  • On August 29, SAMHSA published an advisory on preventing substance use among young adults with disabilities. Advisory
  • Also on August 29, HHS announced $81.3 million in recent grant awards, including more than $16 million to support the integration of primary and behavioral health care. Press Release
  • Also on August 29, the CDC issued a report on non–substance-related mental health disorders  among individuals who died of drug overdose in 2022. Report
Prescription Drugs & Health Innovation – 
  • On August 26, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Smith (R-MO), House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington (R-TX), House Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Rodgers (R-WA), Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Grassley (R-IA), and Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Crapo (R-ID) sent a letter to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Swagel asking CBO to analyze the Medicare Part D Premium Stabilization Demonstration program. Letter Press Release
  • On August 27, the White House released a statement on the price of anti-obesity medications. Statement
SDOH & Health Equity – 
  • On August 27, HHS announced $558 million in funding to improve maternal health and reduce the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Press Release
  • On August 29, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced that the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Board of Directors is now separately incorporated and independent from the Board of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). Press Release
Legislative Activity 
Introduced Legislation  –
  • On August 27, Reps. Crow (D-CO), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Kim (D-NJ), and Salzar (R-FL) introduced the Healthcare Cybersecurity Act (H.R.9412), which would enhance the cybersecurity of the healthcare and public health sectors. Sens. Rosen (D-NV), Young (R-IN), King (I-ME), and Ossoff (D-GA) introduced companion legislation (S. 4697) in the Senate on July 11, 2024. Bill Text Press Release
  • Also on August 27, Reps. Lawler (R-NY) and Williams (R-NY) introduced the Early Access to Screening Act (H.R. 9417), which would provide no-cost coverage for annual screening mammography beginning at 30 years of age. Press Release