ACA Update 2

Posted by & filed under ACA Update.

Programming Note: Given the potential impact and volume of activity related to ACA legislative discussions, we will be sending out a weekly update summarizing relevant developments each Thursday afternoon. This will be in addition to the regular Monday morning update, which will continue to cover a broad array of health care topics.   ACA Repeal… Read more »

Health Policy Update 1-9-17

Posted by & filed under Health Policy Update.

What’s Ahead: This Week Notable Policy Events Monday, January 9 National Press Club, “Luncheon with Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell.” Additional information: Tuesday, January 10 HHS Office of the National Coordinator of Health IT (ONC), “Privacy Policy Snapshot Challenge Webinar,” Additional information: Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), “Webinar, Beneficiary Engagement… Read more »

ACA Update 1

Posted by & filed under ACA Update.

Programming Note: Given the potential impact and volume of activity related to ACA legislative discussions, we will be sending out a weekly update summarizing relevant developments each Thursday afternoon. This will be in addition to the regular Monday morning update, which will continue to cover a broad array of health care topics.   ACA Repeal… Read more »

Health Policy Update 12-19-16

Posted by & filed under Health Policy Update.

What’s Ahead: This Week Notable Policy Events Monday, December 19 – Tuesday, December 20 HHS, Panel of the Technical Advisory Panel on Medicare Trustee Reports. Additional information: Tuesday, December 20 Commonwealth Fund, “ eHealth Initiative, “Current State of Progress Towards Achieving True Interoperability.” Additional information: Weekly Wrap Up: Notable Health Care Developments From Last… Read more »

Health Policy Update 12-12-16

Posted by & filed under Health Policy Update.

What’s Ahead: This Week Congressional Schedule The House and Senate are in recess, returning Tuesday, January 3 for the start of the 115th Congress.  Notable Policy Events Monday, December 12 White House, “Helping Gamers Get Health Care Coverage (An Epic Win).” Additional information: American Enterprise Institute, “Obamacare’s Administrative Law Space: Navigating the Next Frontier.” Additional… Read more »